Monday, August 18, 2008

My Big Boy

For the past 2 months or so, Ayden has been geeting his leg stuck in the rails of his crib. I hate it when this happens. He screams so loud and just goes crazy trying to get it out(making it hurt worse). I have to get Eric to come and get him unstuck because I'm afraid i'll make it worse. This is really making things hard on me. I hate to see my baby get hurt and this has happened too many times. He's almost walking on his own...i'm sure he'll have it down within a month. I am thinking of getting him a toddler bed because he's just too active and constantly hurting himself in his crib. I am going to try laying his matress on the floor and see how he does with that first. This boy hates being constrained so i think it will be good for him. I don't want to feel like i'm doing this too soon, so if that's what you think then i don't really care to hear it. Wal Mart has an addorable set that is way cute and cheap. I refuse to get a wooden bed because Ayden would eat it and it would be ruined.

1 comment:

Anji said...

What a cute bed, we are now moving Kye from his toddler car bed to a twin this month and I am sad to see the cool bed go because that means my baby is growing up!