Monday, August 4, 2008

Don't say it

I went to the auto shop this morning to make sure the guy was still interested in our house, and he is. I gave him our phone number but not a price, since we haven't recieved the payoff amount from the bank. In the mail when i got home later was the letter from the bank. We've decided to ask for $224,000, which is under the $247,000 it's valued at. Eric's supposed to be finding a lawyer to handle all the paperwork and an appraiser if we need one. Anyway, that's how things are going with the house.

Ayden and I met Eric for lunch today at Applebee's. It was nice having something to eat that didn't get me sick. Ayden flirted with our blonde haired waitress the entire time. He is so funny. He was eating his fruit puffs and apple juice,but after a while got bored with them and went on to chewing the disgusting wooden table. I told him no and put my hand in his way. He bit me!(he's got a mouth full of teeth) I said "ouch " like i always do while Eric was trying to tell me not to...but before his words clicked in my head, i looked over at Ayden and his happy little smile was turned upside down. That is the most cutest and saddest face in the entire world. Apparently, he hates it when mommy says "ouch". I knew this but just wasn't thinking at the time. I love him to death but that little pouty face is so pathetic and sad. I hope he grows out of it. It's usually the same face he makes when i say no to something he really wants. He is an emotional little boy...takes after his parents.

Ayden is so brave! He's always letting go of his crib and standing on his own. When he falls on his butt he starts to giggle and clap his hands like he's so proud of himself. I love it. We are so blessed to have such a smart, healthy, and all together happy baby. He is my world!

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