Thursday, August 14, 2008


I had an argument with Eric this morning. We never argue like this. I was already a little peeved at him for staying up with Mowen until 2am Tuesday, and then last night he came home and sat on the couch with his computer till 12. I guess it really got to me because our has is a mess and he told me on Tuesday that he'd help me clean Wednesday...i ended up working my butt off with an aching back while he just sat there. I ignored him the rest of the night waiting for him to ask what's wrong because i was obviously furious, but he never asked. Therefore, i went to bed with all those angry feelings and took it all out on him via msn messenger this morning. While words were exchanged, i still don't feel bad for what i said. I still don't believe the "i worked all day" excuse should get a working dad out of doing some work at home. Being a (pregnant) stay at home mom is just as hard and just as stressful. I know Eric wouldn't want my job. I should be getting more work done around the house during the day, but Ayden is a handful and i get exhausted just picking him up. Anyways, i did apologize for blowing up at him. I didn't get anything back though. Men!
I had my 32 week appointment today! I was a little nervous about it because i just barely failed my 1 hour glucose test at the last appointment and refused to do the 4 hour one. First of all, the same thing happened when i was pregnant with Ayden. Eric took off work and we spent 4 hours in a doctors office getting poked at every hour while feeling really sick, and nothing was wrong with me. Secondly, Eric can not get off work now for that long to watch the baby or be with me. And third of all, i don't have anyone to babysit. So, i didn't do the test. Must not have been a big deal because the doctor said everything is going perfectly and that he'll see me in 2 weeks. I told Eric how everything went and he said "You're good at popping out babies". Haha. The popping them out is pretty easy but the carrying them is the hard part. Well, for me at least.
I'll end this on a lighter note. I put Ayden to bed in just a diper last night because i needed to do his laundry. Sure enough, i went to get the little monkey out of his crib this morning, and there he stood smiling! His completely NAKED little self just standing there laughing. I don't know why he wants to take his diaper off. Well, actually, i would too. But why does he do this to me? It was pretty funny, i was just so glad he hadn't pooped yet.

1 comment:

Megan said...

There is alot of pooping going on in this post. lol I'm not sure how I feel about pooping out baby's.